Tuesday 24 November:
And our prize for completing the AT is Mom's car needs rear brake rotors and pads immediately before it can be driven any further and front ones as soon as possible. $340 for the rear brake job we do not have laying around. And so we sit in VIP Automotive in Bath, ME while they fix the rear brakes. So goes, we seem to make it through/by somehow.
Wednesday 25 November:
And the fun just keeps coming our way. Tuesday 24 Nov, we had to have new rear brake rotors and pads put on our car at VIP Tires & Service, Bath, Maine. We spent the night last night at my CVMA sister, Coach's house near Lee, NH. This morning we are headed on south on Hwy 125, when loud crunching and grinding noises began emanating from the rear wheels. We were able to pull over and I jacked up the rear passenger tire and I could see that the lug nuts did not look like they were all seated properly. I was able to remove 4 of the lug nuts, but the fifth one seems to be cross threaded and the lug post is spinning.
Here is Hendo putting to use her tire changing mechanical prowness....mechanic/plumber buttcrack and all.

We have called AAA to come and assist us, as well as the VIP shop in Bath, ME, they say to get it to the VIP in Stratton and they will fix it. Just another exciting day "on the AT"
We made it to VIP Stratham, NH. Rear passenger tire was not properly reinstalled yesterday at VIP Bath, ME. Also, it seems the rear passenger parking brake was jostled/bumped/knocked ajar during the rotor replacement yesterday, came loose and was the crunching/grinding noise we were hearing. VIP Stratham replaced and repaired all damage except for the parking brake, the parts are not in stock and would take 4-5 days to get here. We will have to get the rear parking brake repaired when we get home. VIP is refunding us for yesterday's repairs and fixed everything else for no charge. My remaining issue is that if VIP had the parking brake parts in stock they would likely make the parking brake repair and not charge us as well, but since they do not, as it stands now we will have to pay for the parking brake repair ourselves when we get home. I have issue with this and will pursue it, because I feel VIP is responsible for the parking brake damage.
Yesterday when the Bath, ME mechanic began the repairs at 1500 hrs/3pm, I stated I was not in a rush or hurry, but just wondered how long he expected the repairs to take as we were supposed to meet some friends for dinner later. The mechanic replied that he was getting of work at 1600 hrs so he would have it done before then. To me it was obvious he was in a hurry to get the repair completed because he was leaving at 1600 hrs. He came back out at 1545 hrs and stated everything was complete. In 45 minutes he had supposedly properly replaced the rear rotors and pads, cleaned the front brake calipers and put back on all 4 tires. I feel this attitude to hurry up and get it done resulted in the parking brake and tire stud damages and VIP should pay for all of it. And obviously the repairs we not done correctly as we are in the situation we are today. Anyway, I have an estimate for the parking brake repair and will pursue VIP for payment of these repairs.
Happy Trails
Hendo & Hendo's Mom