I apologize to all of you Post War Hike Groupies for the hike update withdrawls you all have been experiencing. As you all should have learned by now, dull and boring is not a part of our lives.
The day we finished the trail Hendo's Mom received a message asking her to interview for a teaching job at the elementary school on Ft. Stewart, GA. Mom interviewed and 2 weeks later was notified that she had been hired. The only catch is that this job is only for the spring semester, Jan - June 2016. We have been staying with our relatives in Mt. Zion, IL for the time being.
Hendo is still in a state of flux, but inspite of this needs a place to live for she and her 2 cats. Therefore, Hendo/I decided that the best course of action to have a place to live would be to live in a camper trailer for the time being. This will allow me to have a place to live for me and my cats no matter where life may take me. This would also allow for me to help mom out and provide her a place to live while working at Ft. Stewart. Being that Mom and I have been unemployed for the last 20 months while hiking our funds are slim to none, so I could in no way afford a new camper trailer and would need to buy a used one and fix it up.
So on Friday 11 December, we drove up to Midlothian, IL and purchased and brought back to my aunt's house a 1959 18ft Trailblazer Camper Trailer. I have been working everyday on it since. My family has been amazing in providing me with materials and mechanical expertise and assistance to renovate the trailer.
Here are some pics of my work so far. I will post more updates as more progress is made.
Happy Trails,
Hendo & Hendo's Mom